Monday, August 6, 2012

Pizza, Pizza

There have been several changes in our day to day living going from a family of 3 to 4.  Some of them include, but are not limited to: more laundry, more trash, more dishwashing cycles, less sleep, more messes, more crying, taking forever to get out of the house but much more fun, laughter and love- which makes it all worth it.  Because my girls love to eat like their mama, and because Abigail is now eating table food, this has meant needing way more food. I do not like spending money at the grocery store, and at this stage in my life it is the ONLY place that I am a big spender with coming in at a distant second.  Every week with a $100+ checkout, the same thing runs through my head, "If I could just take a portion of this each week, I could have an updated wardrobe, or money for a rug, or a trip of some sort."
And it is these times each week that I am so thankful for God's grace and brought back to His word for wisdom and truth:
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." Proverbs 14:30- so true, right.

So learning to be content with where we are, I am grateful that we are able to get what we need at the grocery store.  So, the next issue for this ill-equipped house wife is this means more cooking.  Up to this point, I have been able to manage on pretty much 100% crock pot cooking- about 3 meals a week and then leftovers.  Needless to say, the leftovers are dwindling so now I need to cook 4-5 times a week.  So this week, we made pizza- well we topped pizza really.  I bought the pizza dough and sauce, and Katherine and I got to work.  Keeping her from eating all the olives and peppers was the biggest challenge- but it was fun.  We both enjoyed it, it was an activity and resulted in getting us all fed- mission accomplished.  Pizza will be added to the weekly rotation.  Here are some pictures of my little chef in the making:

I don't know why I don't have any pictures of Abigail.  She was there too- eating puffs and blueberries and also learning lessons on contentedness with her mama.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! love your sweet family! thankful I have gotten to get to know you and the girls :)
